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自然保護セミナー第1回「生物多様性とユース」(Biodiversity and Youth)を開催します

2023年7月14日 09時30分

筑波大学大学院自然保護寄附講座 2023年度自然保護セミナー

1回では、2010年に名古屋で開催された生物多様性条約締約国会議にて「生物多様性グローバルユースネットワーク」(GYBNGlobal Youth Biodiversity Network)の設立に共同創設者として参画したメリーナ・サキヤマ氏を招き、生物多様性分野における若者の参画とその課題、将来への方策を紹介いただくとともに、生物多様性に関わる政策提言のための能力開発を日本で展開するための議論を行います。








問い合わせ先:飯田義彦(筑波大学准教授)( iida.yoshihiko.ga@u.tsukuba.ac.jp)


Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation, University of Tsukuba
Nature Conservation Seminar 2023

In the first seminar, Ms. Melina Sakiyama, who co-founded the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) at the 2010 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Nagoya, Japan, will introduce youth participation in the field of biodiversity, its challenges, and future strategies. Based on this, we will discuss how to develop capacity building for policy advocacy concerning biodiversity in Japan.


Date: 19 July (Wednesday), 2023 14:00-17:00 JST

Language: English (partially supported in English)

Only Session 1 (14:00-15:30) will be an open hybrid seminar by online zoom.

Details are available in attached poster or please access the application form to https://forms.gle/6hd3Mfu4KzLo1DL49


Organized by Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation, University of Tsukuba
Collaborated with Japan Inter University Network for MAB Programme

Contact: Yoshihiko Iida, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba ( iida.yoshihiko.ga@u.tsukuba.ac.jp)


2023年5月26日 10時43分



2023年4月28日 14時18分
期間 : 2023年4月29日(土)~2023年4月30日(日)

【インターンシップレポート】生物多様性条約第15回締約国会議(松本 季海芳)

2023年4月25日 14時11分

人間総合科学研究群 世界遺産学学位プログラム 松本 季海芳

今回初めての国際会議参加ということで非常に緊張しておりましたが、出国の 1 か月前頃より事前学習会に参加し、先生方から知識を共有頂き、現地に向かうことができました。会議では英語など国連の公用語が同時進行で翻訳されながら会話が進められていきます。完全に日本語から隔絶された会話を理解するにはあまりにスピードが速く聞き取れない単語や知らない単語が多く、最初の数日は会議に対して何かを考える余裕もなく、ホテルに帰ると聞き取れなかった言葉の意味を調べる夜が続きました。しかし、そんな日々が 1 週間もすると繰り返し聞こえる単語や会議内容がゆっくりと理解できるようになりました。



担当した環境省ブース での外国人参加者との交流

写真 松本季海芳

【インターンシップレポート】生物多様性条約第15回締約国会議(Ragini Sarmah)

2023年4月25日 13時59分

生命地球科学研究群 生物学学位プログラム Ragini Sarmah

Through my internship with IUCN-J, I had the very lucky and fruitful opportunity to attend the Conference of Parties (COP15), United Nations Biodiversity Conference hosted by the Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal, Canada from December 2nd till December 20th. At COP15 I had the opportunity to meet amazing people from all over the world, with different backgrounds, who are working to restore harmony with nature. I was also able to interact with professionals who have dedicated their lives to preserving and enhancing biodiversity. This was especially important for me as I too want to do similar work in the future.

During the event, I was able to take notes on Contact Groups and Working Groups where negotiators from each country discussed each target set by the Global Biodiversity Framework. I gained a lot of insight into how political factors drive almost all aspects of life today, including nature and biodiversity. I also had the opportunity to hear people from many Indigenous peoples speak about our fundamental connection with nature. At COP15 I was inspired, challenged and educated!

After countless hours of research, debate and consultation between countries, the ambitious Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted. As a Global Youth member, I also had the opportunity to voice my own opinion for the Indian National Media (Press Trust of India) through an interview about what youth expects from COP15 (https://theprint.in/world/our-future-our-voice-what-indias-youth-want-from-cop15-3/1266795/). This internship opportunity has positively impacted me and has also opened many doors for my future environmental career. I would recommend it to every young passionate environmentalist!

At the High-Level Segment with Mr. Teppei Dohke of IUCN-J who has guided me through the whole process

Photo Kanako Ake (JWCS)