お知らせ News

【インターンシップレポート】特定非営利活動法人つくば環境フォーラム(Ragini Sarmah)

2023年4月25日 09時04分

生命地球科学研究群 生物学学位プログラム Ragini Sarmah

As a part of my short-term internship, I got to work alongside a local NPO based in Tsukuba– Tsukuba Kankyou Forum (つくば環境フォーラム). This internship lasted for ten days, over the course of 10 months.

In addition to monitoring Satoyama landscape in and a round Tsukuba, this NPO a lso organizes local activities and events to promote local communities living alongside nature.  Through this internship, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in activities of the Satoyama Initiative at Katsuragi Ryokuchi forest of Tsukuba and assisted in various activities. Some were vegetation assessments (project by Dr. Obata, a former member of the Ibaraki Nature Museum), which allowed me to enhance my ability to spot and recognize plants (native and non-native) and also recognize the changes in flora with seasonal c ha ng e s. B eyond pla nt distr ibu tion assessments, I also assisted in monitoring owl activities in that area by checking the artificial owl nests placed by the NPO that promoted owl activity in that area by giving them shelter. As someone who studies forests, I have always enjoyed having opportunities to spend time in forests and in nature. So, these activities were a great learning experience for me in a field hat I have always been interested in. 

But beyond that, there was something unexpected that I gained from this internship. I assisted the NPO in several ‘Satoyama Sanpo’ nature walks, which consisted of many enthusiastic children taking a walk around the Satoyama landscape and learning about plants, animals, insects, etc. Through this experience, it was very refreshing and positive to see the huge interest young children had in nature. I was pleasantly surprised by how much knowledge kids already had and how much more they were w illi ng to learn about nature. I am also very grateful for the Forum to hav e given me opportunities to share nature facts about my own home country –India, with these young children who joined the walks. This led me to develop a new-found interest of promoting nature conservation among youth in Japan. Thanks to this experience, I am now able to contribute more to nature conservation youth activities within Japan and promote the Satoyama concept of ‘Living in harmony with Nature’.

 つくば環境フォーラム 1

Checking owl nests for activity and/or eggs.

写真 佐伯いく代

【インターンシップレポート】林野庁森林利用課(江田 星來)

2023年4月24日 16時47分

生命地球科学研究群 生物資源科学学位プログラム 江田 星來








写真 江田星來

【インターンシップレポート】環境省自然環境局自然環境計画課(小林 雄生)

2023年4月24日 16時01分

生命地球科学研究群 地球科学学位プログラム 小林 雄生






写真 小林雄生

自然を見る、感じる、記録する〜ナチュラリスト青柳昌宏のスケッチと軌跡」展 ギャラリートーク(記念講演と展示解説)の開催について

2023年4月12日 11時50分














 筑波大学自然保護寄付講座事務局 nature@heritage.tsukuba.ac.jp



 つくばエクスプレス つくば駅よりバスで15





自然保護寄附講座第10期生春募集![Apply Now for the CPNC (Spring Semester)!]

2023年4月5日 15時30分


Apply now for the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation of 2023 (Spring Semester) !


無題 2022 poster_2_web

まずは説明会にご参加ください! / Before your application, please participate in CPNC Orientation Meeting Series! 

2023年度第10期春募集説明会/CPNC Orientation Meeting Series in Spring 2023


1    412日(水)16:45-17:45 [日本語]

2    413日(木)16:45-17:45 [日本語]

3    414日(金) 16:45-17:45 [英語]

1st         12 Wed April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese]

2nd        13 Thu April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese ]

3rd         14 Fri April, 16:45-17:45 [ English ]

3回の説明会の内容は同じです。事前申し込みの上、ご都合のつく日いずれかにご参加ください。/ The content of the orientation meeting is the same each day.  Please join whenever you are available after completion of application in advance.


開催方法/ Meeting style
オンライン [ Zoom ] / Online [ Zoom ]

以下の参加申請フォームよりお申込み下さい。(締切:各日16:45) / Application is available from the link below. (deadline of registration: 16:45 each day) 


自然保護寄附講座2023年度第10期春募集説明会参加申請フォーム/ Application form for CPNC Orientation Meeting Series in Spring 2023
1    412日(水)16:45-17:45 [日本語]


2    413日(木)16:45-17:45 [日本語]


3    414日(金) 16:45-17:45 [英語]


1st         12 Wed April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese]


2nd        13 Thu April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese ]


3rd         14 Fri April, 16:45-17:45 [ English ]




履修申請手続き/Application procedures


2023自然保護寄附講座自然保護サーティフィケートプログラム履修申請書 Application Form for the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation 2023.xlsx

 2023自然保護寄附講座自然保護サーティフィケートプログラム応募確認書 Permission Form to apply for the Certificate Programme on NatureConservation 2023.docx

 *応募前に必ず指導教員の承諾を受けてください。/ You must have permission by your supervisor before you apply for the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation  


応募期間 202345日(水)~426日(水)15:00

Application period:  From 5 April, Wednesday to 26 April, Wednesday [close 15:00], 2023


提出方法/How to submit 


メール宛先:自然保護寄附講座事務局 nature@heritage.tsukuba.ac.jp

Fill out the Application Form, and send by e-mail in Excel.

Also fill out the Permission Form, scan, and send by e-mail in PDF.

To: Office of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation nature@heritage.tsukuba.ac.jp


募集定員/The number of students to be admitted 

30名前後/About 30 students

休学中の方は応募できません/Those who are on leave of absence cannot apply.

2023年度開講科目一覧/CPNC Subjects2023.4.1 

