お知らせ News

【インターンシップレポート】特定非営利活動法人つくば環境フォーラム(原田 康多)

2023年4月25日 11時57分

生命地球科学研究群 地球科学学位プログラム 原田 康多

私は,NPO 法人つくば環境フォーラムでインターンシップ活動を行いました。こちらの団体はつくば市内において様々な環境保全活動を行っており、本インターンシップでは、その 1 つである葛城大規模緑地利活用業務に携わりました。この葛城大規模緑地とは、つくば市内の市街地に隣接した茨城県有の緑地であり、利活用業務では「美しい里山の景観の復活」、「生物多様性の保全」、「自然とのふれあいの場の創出」が目標とされています。そして、私はこの業務の中で、①環境維持管理(緑地内の樹木の枝打ちや外来植物種の駆除等)、②自然情報の収集・整理(動物センサーカメラの設置と撮影されたデータの分析)、③イベント運営の 3 つの活動を主に行いました。



写真 つくば環境フォーラム代表 永谷真一

【インターンシップレポート】白山市観光文化スポーツ部ジオパーク・エコパーク推進課(井川 愛理)

2023年4月25日 10時44分

人間総合科学研究群 世界遺産学学位プログラム 井川 愛理

私は、白山市観光文化スポーツ部ジオパーク・エコパーク推進課にて 10 日間インターンシップをさせていただきました。業務内容は大きく分けて以下の2つです。

1つ目が、第 12 回日本ジオパーク全国大会白山手取川大会に合わせた、準備・運営補助です。事前の準備として、会場設営や配布物の封入作業等を手伝うとともに、当日は、参加者受付や開会セレモニーの誘導係、白山手取川ジオパークの物販ブースの担当、パネルディスカッションのマイク係など責任の大きい仕事も任せていただきました。また、全国大会後に続けて行われたポストジオツアーでは、コース内の地点を巡り、地域資源の活用状況を視察しました。

2つ目が、白山手取川ジオパークの公式SNS 広告のデータ分析を行い、SNS のより良い活用方法についての提案です。





写真 第12 回日本ジオパーク全国大会白山手取川大会実行委員会

【インターンシップレポート】株式会社ピッキオ(Mahanayakage Chamindha Anuruddha)

2023年4月25日 10時16分

生命地球科学研究群 地球科学学位プログラム Mahanayakage Chamindha Anuruddha

I came to the Picchio Wildlife Research Center to make a good contributions research work and I felt, I did my best. Also Center’s contribution and support to me was great. So if you are now reading through and wondering whether you should do the internship, from my personal point of view, the answer is absolutely yes. In the very first day of the Center, it became my home and the people became my family members.

The Picchio Center was very peaceful and surrounding area was amazing with mountains, rivers and beautiful landscape. In this internship, I got chance to grab knowledge about amazing ecosystem, bears and research techniques and it is incredibly great reward for me.

So how does it work?

There was a daily routine in the place and specific responsibilities were there to each intern. Picchio staff members were responsible to release and miss capture bears as soon as possible. I got chance to join and that was very interesting experience for me. At the same time we took measurements, collected blood samples, hair samples and other morphological data and climatic data of the area. On our way to field trips, members of Picchio shared their experiences and knowledge about wildlife in surround area. Also we discussed human wild life conflict issues in Sri Lanka as well. In this internship, I could grab a lot of knowledge about Japan wildlife, their research techniques and also the culture. In Picchio, I met with an accident and that time they helped me a lot and I give my special thanks to all the staff members there. In Autumn, I visited it in my second time and at that time the place was very beautiful and colorful. At that time I got different experience and knowledge about behaviors of bears and research works. Night patrols were ver y interesting and enjoyable. I gained unforgettable experience and knowledge for my life during this internship. There is no dull moment in the Research Center and I have initially stayed for 10 days and I felt it was not long enough and I was not yet ready to say goodbye to that beautiful place.

With miss capture bear in forest

Photo: Amelia Hiorns (Picchio Wildlife Research Center)

【インターンシップレポート】環境省自然環境局国立公園課国立公園利用推進室(渡邊 寛明)

2023年4月25日 09時34分

生命地球科学研究群 山岳科学学位プログラム 渡邊 寛明

私は、環境省自然環境局国立公園課国立公園利用推進室での 10日間のインターンシップに参加させて頂きました。本部署では主に、国立公園の受け入れ環境の充実に向けて、質の高いコンテンツの提供や、プロモーションなどに関する業務を行っています。

インターンシップでは、国立公園でのクラウドファンディングの活用事例の整理、式典の運営補助、利用者負担や山小屋の整備に関する政策立案などを体験させていただいた他、ツーリズム EXPO ジャパンへの参加や新宿御苑見学など、本省以外で行われる業務にも同行させていただきました。






写真 渡邊寛明

【インターンシップレポート】特定非営利活動法人つくば環境フォーラム(Ragini Sarmah)

2023年4月25日 09時04分

生命地球科学研究群 生物学学位プログラム Ragini Sarmah

As a part of my short-term internship, I got to work alongside a local NPO based in Tsukuba– Tsukuba Kankyou Forum (つくば環境フォーラム). This internship lasted for ten days, over the course of 10 months.

In addition to monitoring Satoyama landscape in and a round Tsukuba, this NPO a lso organizes local activities and events to promote local communities living alongside nature.  Through this internship, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in activities of the Satoyama Initiative at Katsuragi Ryokuchi forest of Tsukuba and assisted in various activities. Some were vegetation assessments (project by Dr. Obata, a former member of the Ibaraki Nature Museum), which allowed me to enhance my ability to spot and recognize plants (native and non-native) and also recognize the changes in flora with seasonal c ha ng e s. B eyond pla nt distr ibu tion assessments, I also assisted in monitoring owl activities in that area by checking the artificial owl nests placed by the NPO that promoted owl activity in that area by giving them shelter. As someone who studies forests, I have always enjoyed having opportunities to spend time in forests and in nature. So, these activities were a great learning experience for me in a field hat I have always been interested in. 

But beyond that, there was something unexpected that I gained from this internship. I assisted the NPO in several ‘Satoyama Sanpo’ nature walks, which consisted of many enthusiastic children taking a walk around the Satoyama landscape and learning about plants, animals, insects, etc. Through this experience, it was very refreshing and positive to see the huge interest young children had in nature. I was pleasantly surprised by how much knowledge kids already had and how much more they were w illi ng to learn about nature. I am also very grateful for the Forum to hav e given me opportunities to share nature facts about my own home country –India, with these young children who joined the walks. This led me to develop a new-found interest of promoting nature conservation among youth in Japan. Thanks to this experience, I am now able to contribute more to nature conservation youth activities within Japan and promote the Satoyama concept of ‘Living in harmony with Nature’.

 つくば環境フォーラム 1

Checking owl nests for activity and/or eggs.

写真 佐伯いく代