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Newsletter No.8を発行しました!

2022年4月1日 14時00分
Newsletter No.8を発行いたしました。ぜひ、ご覧ください。
◆2021年度 実習・講義・セミナー


2022年4月1日 10時00分

【インターンシップレポート】糸魚川ジオパーク(Paramate Khamphoo)

2022年3月8日 11時35分
The Itoigawa UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) is located at Itoigawa city, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. It is interesting that this designated conservation site lies on the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) and Fossa Magna. They are two important geological structures, which have formed the several gorgeous Kanto’s mountains and transferred the various-sized gemstone (Jade) from a deep internal crust to earth’s surface as the exceptional geological and natural resources to be originally made in Itoigawa city. These stunning natures closely relate to the human life and their long-term interaction has shaped the unique culture and tradition as the most famous Jade of Japan and the world’s oldest Jade jewelry industry. According to the adequate and satisfactory outputs from all activities through the synergy among local stakeholders, the Itoigawa City Hall, a major organization working on the Geopark’s support and promotion, received a certification from the Global Geoparks Network, that makes the Itoigawa Geopark is the first Global Geopark in Japan as well as the best role model for other national Geoparks.

The Fossa Magna Museum is main educational center to disseminate the dazzling values of Itoi-gawa’s resources, which is one of the UNESCO’s goals to increase the public awareness on the pre-cious local nature and culture. After it was established, the sufficient conservation, raising pride of Itoigawa’s resident, and rural sustainability have been significantly gone up. In my short-term in-ternship, I was trained not only as a curator, but also as a Geopark’s officer to learn the four roles supporting the Itoigawa UGGp as follows: 1) Research: producing new discoveries, 2) Education: continuously communicating on high valuable resources to public, 3) Storage: looking after the out-standing samples with a well management system and 4) Exhibition: displaying the partial samples and attractively arranging them in a museum. Furthermore, it was an opportunity to observe the surrounding prominent geological sites such as the Omigawa Jade Gorge, ISTL observation park, Benten-Iwa, Salt trails and Oyashirazu site. Therefore, a skill of how to link all kinds of local re-sources as the wonderful and simple stories showing the unusual multidisciplinary features of Itoigawa UGGp, was gradually developed during the internship. This was the special experiences provided by CPNC because I have found that a curator or Geopark’s officer is my expected career in the future.
The image capture of rock, fossil and mineral samples is a crucial part of specimen registration
for the Museum’s manageable storage.  
Photo by Yousuke Ibaraki, Curator at Fossa Magna Museum


2022年3月8日 11時30分
システム情報工学研究群 構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム 早川由里子





写真: 東京港野鳥公園レンジャー 植阪 架愛


2022年3月8日 11時25分

生命地球科学研究群 生物資源科学学位プログラム 小松航

私は5日間、環境省 自然環境局 野生生物課 外来生物対策室でインターンシップを体験させて頂きました。外来生物対策室は、外来生物法やカルタヘナ法に基づいた外来生物や遺伝子組換え生物等に関する業務を行っています。



