支援制度 Assistance
講義や実習で身に付けた高い専門知識および専門技術を、実際の自然保護関連分野の現場で、 どのように役立てることができるかを実体験に基づき、考え行動できる人材を育成します。インターンシップに係る経費を筑波大学の規定に甚づいて支援するとともに、単位を付与します。
This credit-bearing program supports students in applying the specialized knowledge and skills they have acquired in the lecture and practical courses to real-world conservation issues. Financial assistance for internship activities is provided under the regulation of the university.




This credit-bearing program supports students in applying the specialized knowledge and skills they have acquired in the lecture and practical courses to real-world conservation issues. Financial assistance for internship activities is provided under the regulation of the university.




This credit-bearing program supports students in applying the specialized knowledge and skills they have acquired in the lecture and practical courses to real-world conservation issues. Financial assistance for internship activities is provided under the regulation of the university.