修了生の活躍 Alumni Network

修了生の進路状況 After graduation

Public sector such as national government (MoE, MAFF) and prefectural government including school teacher

Private sectors such as companies in environment, forestry, construction and civil engineering, energy, CSR and educational publisher etc.

NGOs such as WWF Japan, NACS-J, Pro Natura Foundation Japan, National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan etc.

Research and academic sectors such as university, research institutes, museums etc.

Doctoral courses including University of Tsukuba, University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University etc.

Graduates of this program are working actively at various fields, such as governmental organizations, environmental and constructive companies, environmental NGO, universities etc

修了生の声 Alumni Testimonials


In our annual satisfaction survey, most of Japanese and international students answer that they are "satisfied" with their programme experience. Many alumni now work at such organizations as Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, Forestry Agency, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and environment-related private companies.

飯泉 結季 2017年度修了 / Yuki IIIZUMI (Class of '17)

修了専攻:生命環境科学研究科 生物資源科学専攻


“Being self-motivated and willing to tackle anything in the programme have prepared me for my career today.” 
