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自然保護寄附講座第11期生春募集![Apply Now for the CPNC (Spring Semester)!]

2024年4月5日 00時00分



Apply now for the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation of 2024 (Spring Semester) !


まずは説明会にご参加ください! / Before your application, please participate in CPNC Orientation Meeting Series! 

【2024年度第11期春募集説明会/CPNC Orientation Meeting Series in Spring 2024】



第1回    4月10日(水)16:45-17:45 [日本語]

第2回    4月11日(木)16:45-17:45 [日本語]

第3回    4月12日(金) 16:45-17:45 [英語]

1st         10 Wed April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese]

2nd        11 Thu April, 16:45-17:45  [ Japanese ]

3rd         12 Fri April, 16:45-17:45 [ English ]

*3回の説明会の内容は同じです。事前申し込みの上、ご都合のつく日いずれかにご参加ください。/ The content of the orientation meeting is the same each day.  Please join whenever you are available after completion of application in advance.


■開催方法/ Meeting style

オンライン [ Zoom ] / Online [ Zoom ]

以下の参加申請フォームよりお申込み下さい。(締切:各日12:00) / Application is available from the link below. (deadline of registration: 12:00 each day) 

自然保護寄附講座2024年度第11期春募集説明会参加申請フォーム/ Application form for CPNC Orientation Meeting Series in Spring 2024



 【 履修申請手続き/Application procedures 】



■応募期間 2024年4月10日(水)~4月24日(水)15:00

Application period:  From 10 April, Wednesday to 24 April, Wednesday [close 15:00], 2024


■提出方法/How to submit 


メール宛先:自然保護寄附講座事務局 nature@heritage.tsukuba.ac.jp

Fill out the Application Form, and send by e-mail in Excel.

Also fill out the Permission Form, scan, and send by e-mail in PDF.

To: Office of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation nature@heritage.tsukuba.ac.jp


■募集定員/The number of students to be admitted 

30名前後/About 30 students


■履修要件 / Requirements


For students in Master’s Program in Heritage Studies, Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, or Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology only.