令和3年9月30日制定 |
第1条 自然保護寄附講座運営委員会は、毎年春学期始め(必要があると認められる場合は秋学期始め)に履修生の募集を行い、当該年度の履修生を決定する。 |
第2条 自然保護寄附講座運営委員会は、毎年秋学期末(必要がある場合は夏季休業末)に履修生の単位認定を行い、自然保護寄附講座修了の条件を満たした学生に、修了証明書(サーティフィケート)を授与する。 |
第3条 自然保護寄附講座運営委員長は、以下のような問題が発生した場合、履修学生に対して、3ヶ月以内の期限を定めて授業・実習の受講またはインターンシップの中止を命ずることができる。 | |
1 自然保護寄附講座の授業・実習において、担当教員が授業・実習の安全な実施または自然保護のため必要な注意事項を事前に説明したにもかかわらず、学生がそれに従わない場合 2 自然保護寄附講座の授業・実習において、他の学生の授業・実習の妨げとなる行為があった場合 3 自然保護寄附講座のインターンシップにおいて、インターンシップ先が示す注意事項に従わず、インターンシップ先において入手した情報を漏洩するなど、インターンシップ先に迷惑となる行為があった場合 4 その他、自然保護寄附講座運営委員長が授業・実習の受講またはインターンシップの中止が必要と認める場合ができる。 |
第4条 自然保護寄附講座運営委員長は、前条の問題の報告を受けた場合、運営委員の中から委員を指名し、具体的な事実について調査を行うことを命ずることができる。 2 自然保護寄附講座運営委員長から調査を命じられた委員は、担当教員、当該学生の両方から対面またはオンラインで意見を聴取し報告書を作成する。いずれかが調査に応じない場合は当該事案の状況を知る第三者の証言を以ってこれに代えることができる。 3 自然保護寄附講座運営委員長は、指名した委員から報告書を受領した場合は、速やかに運営委員会を開催し意見聴取の上、以下の決定を行うものとする。 |
1 履修学生が、前条の行動を反省し、今後の再発が回避できると判断される場合は、前条の授業・実習の受講またはインターンシップの中止を取り消し、履修再開を認める。 2 履修学生が、前条の行動を反省することなく、今後も問題の発生が懸念される場合は第1条5の履修許可を取り消すことができる。 |
Admission Guidelines of Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation
Established September 30, 2021 |
Article 1. 1 The Steering Committee of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation (hereinafter referred to as CPNC) will recruit students at the beginning of the spring semester each year (or at the beginning of the fall semester if deemed necessary) and determine the students to be enrolled for that year. 2 Students who wish to enroll in the Programme must obtain approval from their supervisor and submit an Application Form. If, however, the supervisor is traveling or otherwise unable to sign and seal the Application Form, an email acknowledging approval by the supervisor may be attached in lieu of a signature and seal. 3 The Working Group of the Steering Committee of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group) will administer an examination, such as by in-person or online interview, to students who wish to enroll in the Programme, and will report the results to the Steering Committee. 4 The Steering Committee will review the Working Group's reports and determine which students to accept. 5 The Chair of the Steering Committee will issue a Letter of Admission to students who have been approved for admission. |
Article 2. 1 The CPNC Steering Committee will grant credits to students at the end of the fall semester each year (or at the end of the summer break if necessary), and award a Certificate to students who have completed the requirements for Programme completion. 2 Students in the Master's Program who have not earned the credits required for completion of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation and wish to continue their CPNC studies in the Doctoral Program must follow the procedures described in Paragraphs 2 to 4 of the preceding Article. Credits acquired in the Master's Program will be accepted as earned credits. 3 Students in the Master's Program who have earned the credits required for completion of the Certificate Programme on Nature Conservation, have been awarded a Certificate, and wish to continue their studies in the Doctoral Program must submit an Application to Extend each academic year for approval by the Steering Committee. |
Article 3. The Chair of the CPNC Steering Committee may order the suspension of a student from participating in classes, practical training, or an internship for a period of not more than three months if any of the following problems occur: |
1) Despite having received an advance explanation by the teacher in charge of a CPNC class or practical training, the student fails to follow the precautions necessary for the safe implementation of the class or training or for the conservation of nature. 2) The student engages in behavior that interferes with a CPNC class or the practical training of another student. 3) When doing a CPNC internship, the student does not follow the precautions given at the internship site, leaks information obtained at the internship site, or otherwise acts in a manner that is disruptive to the internship site. 4) The Chair of the CPNC Steering Committee deems it necessary for other reason to suspend the student from participating in classes, practical training, or an internship. |
Article 4. 1 Upon receiving a report of a problem as described in the preceding Article, the Chair of the CPNC Steering Committee may appoint a member from among the Steering Committee members and order that an investigation be conducted into the specific facts. 2 The committee member ordered to investigate by the Chair of the CPNC Steering Committee will interview both the teacher in charge and student concerned, either in person or online, and prepare a report. If either of them does not agree to the investigation, the testimony of a third party who has knowledge of the circumstances of the case may be substituted. 3 Upon receiving a report from the appointed member, the Chair of the CPNC Steering Committee will promptly convene a meeting of the Steering Committee to hear opinions and make the following decisions: |
1) If the student reflects on the behavior described in the preceding Article and it is determined that a recurrence of the behavior can be avoided in the future, the suspension from participating in classes, practical training, or internship described in the preceding Article will be withdrawn and the student will be allowed to resume his/her coursework. 2) If the student does not reflect on his/her behavior as described in the preceding Article and there is concern that problems may occur again in the future, the admission approval granted in Paragraph 5 of Article 1 may be revoked. |